About Us
With 35 years of ministry experience, Growing Families Educational Services (formerly Christian Family Heritage) continues to offer parenting resources that helps instill and perpetuate the passing on of Godly virtues and values, from one generation to the next.
We are staffed by volunteer parents who themselves have been positively impacted by this ministry and who wish to share their positive experience with others. While times have changed, and social preferences evolved, the fundamental needs of children have not. The difference between the ministry today compared to three and-a-half decades ago, is the plethora of scientific information pertaining to a child’s healthy development, which confirms the foundational truths that have guided this ministry over the years. They include, infants love routine, toddlers need supervision, preschoolers love to learn, and childhood is the most precious time of life.
As a non-profit (501c3), we offer our services to any who seek guidance from a God-centered worldview. We believe all children should live in a safe world; a place of optimism and innocence; where they are exposed to all that is virtuous, good, just, noble and true. We view parenting as both a personal and social responsibility. We are multinational and represented by every race and every tier of society. The parents we minister to are different in many ways, yet knitted together by a common cause and inspired by a shared conviction of raising children who:
are conversant with a virtue-based civility,
believe in the preciousness of others as much as the preciousness of self,
move into young adulthood with a sense of purpose for their life.
Looking for guidance in achieving these noble outcomes is how thousands of parents found their way to this ministry. What we have we freely share.
While Growing Families Educational Services provides a variety of resources, we also utilize parenting concepts derived from a variety of contributors that we know complement our parenting philosophy. This is done through our Blog posts, GEMS (Godly Encouragement to Moms) groups, and links to other publishing platforms, such as GrowingFamilies.Life. Each contributor and link complements our Statement of Faith and help us expand our ministry outreach to parents.
How May We Help You?
Our Creed
Creed (from the Latin credo,) represent foundational and supporting beliefs of a person, group or an organization. Similar to Statements of Faith, creeds put forth a platform of ideas, that guides and motivates the group’s purpose of existence. So it is with Growing Families Educational Services. Our beliefs and teaching emphasis has everything to do with a single assumption about life, and family, on which the ministry's parenting advice flows. It all starts here:
Guided by the timeless message of God’s love and redemption for all mankind, we exist to encourage and perpetuate the instilling of Godly virtues and values through parent education.