New Beginnings

New Beginnings


There is nothing like a new year, a new month, and even a new week to say to oneself, “Today I’ll start (fill in the blank)”.  Unfortunately, the reality is that we find ourselves repeating that phrase over and over to the point of becoming discouraged and giving up on something we deem important.  It seems we are unable to accomplish our goals. As a Christ follower, I’ve learned this is a ploy of the deceiver, the one whose whisper often sounds like our own voice, speaking the word ‘failure’. But this is a lie.  We CAN accomplish our goals.  So why does it seem so difficult to begin having that quiet time, implementing a routine, and/or instructing my children? 


As one who is probably a good many years older than you are, I’ve discovered it’s because my expectations of what could be accomplished are often unrealistic.  Or I’m deciding what needs to be done by comparing myself to others - others who seem to have it all together.  


What I will share is not a secret or even something you haven’t heard before, but maybe this time we can really heed the wisdom of Scripture “For everything there is a time.” (Eccl 3:1-8) Think about the season of life you are in. If you are in the early years of your marriage and early years of parenting, you shouldn’t think your life will look like the woman you admire whose children are nearly grown. During that season in my life, I can remember thinking in order to be a ‘biblical wife and mother’ I should be doing any number of unrealistic things - like getting up an hour before my toddler and baby for quiet time. While I am a morning person, I soon discovered waking at 5 a.m. was not realistic for me. So how could I have some time in the Word and focus on the Lord and also be a functioning parent? Well, who said I couldn’t use one of the toddler devotionals for my child, which I could read during breakfast time? No one!! So, we need to think outside of the proverbial box. We can take baby steps to achieve our worthy goals. Think about what you’d like to accomplish (that’s your “what”) and then ask “why” do I want to accomplish this? Am I striving for this for the right reasons? Finally, “how” will I accomplish this?  


Okay, I’m going to give you a week to process this. ☺ This is your first ‘baby step’ in creating a new beginning for whatever area in your life needs a fresh start. One additional word of warning: PLEASE pick only 1 or 2 things to start or re-start! You might have a good spiritual goal, but the fact that the laundry is piling up and becoming overwhelming will likely pull you away from achieving your desired objective. So maybe taking steps to work through a laundry routine needs to be the priority.  You can use the fact that you all have clothes to wear and a washer and dryer to thank the Lord for His goodness in providing all these items, while you are folding and putting away those clothes.


Our next visit will provide some suggestions on how to set realistic expectations, starting with ourselves. Have a great week and keep the thought “begin as you mean to go” as you work through the What, Why & How questions. Be patient with yourself and those you are living with.  In due season you will reap the fruit you desire. 



Anne Marie Ezzo


PS If you have some specific areas you would like help in, please send them to us.



New Beginnings (Part 2)


Starting Devotions with your Children